There’s a problem in Southern Italy. I once read there were 2 million stray or non registered dogs in 2023 in Italy. I can’t recall the exact numbers but it was shockingly high. People often abandon dogs in the streets, and as a result, there are many stray and hungry dogs, some infected with rabies. Where my parents are from, you cannot walk to the forest, even for less than two kilometers, without potentially being attacked by a stray dog. You may want to consider asking your neighbors if they are stray dogs by saying, "Sono cani randagi?"

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I haven't noticed strays around here, actually, and these dogs appear to live in the house at the end of the village, across the street from the church. They could very well be all bark and no bite, but my ingrained fear plus lack of language skills to ask someone who lives near them, means that I am at the mercy of their animal will. But thank you for the language tip, I really appreciate it! Learning little by little.

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